Monday, June 25, 2012

Growing Obesity Problem

According to Centers for Disease Control & Prevention currently more than one third of US adults are obese. This is projected to jump significantly by 2030 to perhaps 42%. Especially concerning is the growing number of children and teens approachin 20%. This trend has serious health concerns and a financial drain on our health care system. This contributes to the rising cost of health care, another major problem our country is facing. There are a multitude of factors contributing to the problem and as a result there are no simple answers or single solutions.

1. We need more public education and awareness to encourage Americans to adopt healthy life styles. The American Medical Association recently recommended legislation to require classes in grades 1-12 on causes, consequences, prevention of obesity. If most children learned the amount of fat, calories in fast food and the amount of sugar in soft drinks and potential implications on their weight and health their behaviors would change for the better. Unfortunately, many obese people are in denial and more publicity may help more of them recognize they have a problem.
2. We need parents and families to play a greater role in addressing this issue. Parents can set the right example by managing themselves as to weight, diet, health and exercise. It is probable, as with smokers, if the parents are obese the children are more likely to be as well. Having a dinner, meal schedule with the family sitting down together may reduce snacking, increase more balanced meals and improve family communications.
3. Self discipline to eat a balanced diet in combination with moderate exercise is the simple formula. Portion size awareness is important to calorie control; eating smaller portions overall is a solution. Eating more vegetable and fruits and less meat and breads also is advisable. Moderate exercise includes simply a brisk walk. Riding a bicycle is a fun way to get moderate exercise.
4. Periodic visits to the family doctor are a good idea for young people and as people age into their forties and beyond an annual physical is advisable. Many policies provide an annual physical for little if any charge. Please consult first with your doctor prior to any major change in exercise level. A gradual approach is advised if you choose to begin running or swimming programs.

 In closing, for full disclosure, I am not a doctor or expert on obesity. I am a runner for many years and try to eat a balanced diet. For me playing sports and exercise have always been fun. I look forward to my 8 mile Saturday run and my annual week snow ski vacation; fun, exercise, keep the weght under control. Good luck with whatever works for you.

Friday, April 6, 2012

2012 Election Crucial to Our Freedom

It is imperitive the message get out to Independants, Conservative democrats and Republicans that this is the most important election of a lifetime! The current administration is taking us down the road of Socialism with the government in control taking away the freedom of our citizens to instead depend on the government for most everything. This is opposite of what our founding fathers intended, spelled out in the Constitution. We must preserve Capitalism as the primary force limiting government to keeping order and security with minimal regulation of free markets. Under the Obama administration our debt has been growing at a pace of over $1 TRILLION per year and now approaches $16 TRILLION with no end in site, and no substantive plans by the administration to deal with the problem. This is unsustainable and strong action is critical in 2013 to prevent the kind of crisis European countries like Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy are dealing with now. The compounding interest on the debt could skyrocket as the US debt is inevitably downgraded as happened last year and fears of a future US bankrupcy grow. Yes, it could happen just as nobody believed the Titanic would ever sink.

Mitt Romney is the likely GOP nominee and it is crucial the people get behind his candidacy and help him build a conservative platform that clearly spells out the advantages of free markets, limited government verses big government and overly regulated markets. Hopefully some of the excellent conservative ideas of  Santorum, Ginrich, and Paul can be incorporated. Obamacare must be cancelled!  The government should not be involved in the housing mortgage, insurance market. Phase out Fannie, Freddy, Housing Authority.We must address our energy needs and alternative fuels are not the immediate answer. Natural gas is abundant and relatively inexpensive. Relax regulations on drilling; expedite the Keystone Pipeline. Ginrich's $2.50 gas is plausible! The US has the capacity to be energy independant. While we need to maintain a strong defense we cannot afford to continue to be the Lone Ranger of the world. The US needs to return to financial strength by balancing its budget within the next 4 years and thereafter. Financial strength will go a long way to increase our world influence! The next appointment of the Federal Reserve chairman is critical; there needs to be a change there and the role of the Federal Reserve should be curtailed. The Fed's easy money policy is part of our weak currency, inflation problem and punishes savers. We need to simplify the tax code and make sure everybody pays their fair share. Entitlement programs must be reformed if Social Security is going to survive.

Beyond the presidency, we need to elect some new blood into the Congress, especially in the Senate. The Senate has largely been responsible for the failures to pass a budget the last few years. GOP control of both and a new president are critical to this country's future. The stronger the mandate the better.

David Good
Concerned Citizen

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Give Ron Paul Serious Consideration

As an interested observer of the GOP race I am increasingly warming up to Ron Paul as the anti-establishment candidate. While N.Gingrich stands out as a viable alternative to the current administration the fact is he is a career politician with plenty of "baggage" to haunt him. Though his lower, flat tax proposals have merit it is unclear how far he plans to go to get the budget mess under control and the numbers don't entirely add up. We are racking up over $1 Trillion in deficits per year and Mr. Paul is calling for the same in budget cuts. We must focus first on spending cuts and second on tax reductions. Mr. Paul wants to reduce the power of the Fed and eliminate Bernanke to stop the easy money, stabilize our currency and curb inflation expectations. He recognizes our international power, influence depends first on getting our finances in order. We cannot afford to be the Lone Ranger of the world anymore; defense spending can and must be cut as well as everything else. The federal government is the fast growing gorilla in the room and Ron Paul stands for stopping that growth that is infringing on our freedom.

Revise the System

As we watch the circus now in Washington over the tax cut after the supercommittee fiasco, it further confirms the need to reform the political system we are operating under. The idea being to eliminate the word political. We need civil servants serving relatively short terms of office motivated by doing the right thing to serve the electorate and leaving office with a legacy they can be proud of. Eliminate the career politicians! Strictly limit terms of office. Someone serves 4-6 years and goes back into the private sector.

Those in office must be held accountable. As the law requires passage of an annual budget the leaders in the Senate and House should lose their positions if this doesn't happen or stop salaries of Congress until one is passed. Alternatively, require they stay in session indefinitely until the issue is resolved. The members of the supercommittee should have lost their jobs for not coming up with a proposal.

We must pass a balanced budget amendment with strict rules and implications if not followed. With few exceptions, require the annual budget presented by the President be balanced. We must get the budget under the control and live within our means. As our founders had in mind we need a limited government.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Re-election of President a Scary Thought

While hopeful the citizens of this country will do the right thing next November and elect a new GOP candidate into office by an overwhelming landslide, there are no guarantees in this crazy world. Who would have believed our Congress wouldn't be able to raise the debt ceiling this past summer? Can you believe the Congress hasn't passed a budget in 3 years or so? Can you believe we are taking on $1 Trillion in debt each year and the supercommitte couldn't come up with anything? Can you believe the president put on hold an energy pipeline project that would create jobs and help increase energy supplies? Now, nobody can agree on extending the tax cut. It is so absurd and how frightening it would be if the current administration is voted in for another 4 years.

The budget deficit recently hit $15 trillion, about 25% of it accumulated in the last 4 years. Current projections call for an increase of another $8-10 trillion in the next 10 years! This is unsustainable if you consider compound interest. When will the current rock bottom interest rates here double or triple as they have this year in a number of european countries? Probably in 2013 or 14 interest rates will increase due to this problem in combination with likely inflationary forces. Dramatic action to reduce and quickly eliminate the deficit must be taken by the new administration in 2013 to head off potential disaster. We also need a sound monetary policy to stabilize the currency. Otherwise, this country could sink under the weight of its debt: Further crashes of the financial and housing markets, a weak currency, high inflation, a increasingly socialist economy dependant on the government.
Wake up America! This administration is steering this country off a cliff. Do we want future innocent generations to have to deal with insurmountable debts?  Have the courage and do the right thing. Get the word out that this election is about less government, not more and more freedom not less, capitalism not socialism. This country can be great again by becoming financially responsible.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

European Debt Crisis Resolution- Doubtful

The financial markets seem to be expecting or at least hoping for some major breakthrough at the end of the week. Don't hold your breath. Might be a good at least short term selling opportunity? Think about what is going on here, seventeen different countries, cultures with differing economies and financial situations. Unfortunately, many of them have large budget deficits and are near or in recession. Some of these countries have imposed austerity taking a severe toll on their citizens. Have you ever tried to get 17 people together and come to a consensus on a major problem? The stronger countries like Germany and France don't want to get stuck with the tab on bailing out the weak countries like Greece, Spain. The Euro currency has been on the slide because the markets question the future of the European union. Are Germany and France going to allow these countries in dire shape to drag down their economies? No. It may be too late to save the Euro!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Privatize USPS & FHA

Both of these organizations have been in the news recently with continuing losses and shortfalls the taxpayer is at risk for. The FHA is similar to Fannie and Freddie; the government should not be involved in insuring mortgages risking potential huge losses on the taxpayer with exposure of more than $1trillion. FHA guaranteed 24% of new morgages in fiscal 2011 ended 9/30 yet its capital reserves are below the 2% mandated by Congress. The USPS does serve an important yet declining function in the modern online world. However, it has the burden of a high cost structure and is inefficient. As with all levels of government, the pay scales and benefit structures are substantially above comparable private sector.  Pensions paid to past postal workers is very costly.The threat of ending Saturday mail has been on the table for months, they are now reducing their labor force and re-routing the mail. The end result is declining quality, speed of mail delivery. My small business felt the brunt of it the last couple days; late or no mail delivered at all. From this perspective; a UPS or FED-EX could much more efficiently incorporate the USPS structure into its operations. Since mail delivery is still essential for many the privatization would have to be handled carefully to make sure mail gets delivered 5 or 6 days per week. Perhaps it could be put out for bid every 4 or 5 years so there is competition. There is a better way!