While hopeful the citizens of this country will do the right thing next November and elect a new GOP candidate into office by an overwhelming landslide, there are no guarantees in this crazy world. Who would have believed our Congress wouldn't be able to raise the debt ceiling this past summer? Can you believe the Congress hasn't passed a budget in 3 years or so? Can you believe we are taking on $1 Trillion in debt each year and the supercommitte couldn't come up with anything? Can you believe the president put on hold an energy pipeline project that would create jobs and help increase energy supplies? Now, nobody can agree on extending the tax cut. It is so absurd and how frightening it would be if the current administration is voted in for another 4 years.
The budget deficit recently hit $15 trillion, about 25% of it accumulated in the last 4 years. Current projections call for an increase of another $8-10 trillion in the next 10 years! This is unsustainable if you consider compound interest. When will the current rock bottom interest rates here double or triple as they have this year in a number of european countries? Probably in 2013 or 14 interest rates will increase due to this problem in combination with likely inflationary forces. Dramatic action to reduce and quickly eliminate the deficit must be taken by the new administration in 2013 to head off potential disaster. We also need a sound monetary policy to stabilize the currency. Otherwise, this country could sink under the weight of its debt: Further crashes of the financial and housing markets, a weak currency, high inflation, a increasingly socialist economy dependant on the government.
Wake up America! This administration is steering this country off a cliff. Do we want future innocent generations to have to deal with insurmountable debts? Have the courage and do the right thing. Get the word out that this election is about less government, not more and more freedom not less, capitalism not socialism. This country can be great again by becoming financially responsible.
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